Monday, October 30, 2006


Bulldog Reviews
“Saw III”
By: Michael Pickowicz

I almost wanted to resist reviewing a movie like “Saw III” because of its strong fan base. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch you fans that have yet to see the movie and tell you if they should hold on to their precious cash or run right now to your local cinema. Be warned, people who have yet to see the previous two “Saw” films. This review contains slight spoilers that could ruin the other two movies. My advice: Go watch those movies on DVD now!
“Saw III” is a horror film that continues the story of the most twisted man you’ll probably ever meet, Jigsaw (Tobin Bell). The movie takes place immediately after “Saw II”, where Jigsaw is on his death bed with only his faithful and equally as crazy sidekick, Amanda (Shawnee Smith), to comfort him. To help him stay alive, Jigsaw creates a new “game” where he captures a doctor with a troubled marriage, Lynn (Bahar Soomekh) and tells her that if she wants to stay alive, she must make sure he doesn’t die. The catch is, there is another victim, Jeff (Angus Macfadyen), in a “game” as well, and Lynn is not aloud to leave until Jeff makes it out alive.
I’ll start off first by saying that the sick and demented devices made by Jigsaw, which have been a staple in the series, are better then ever here. I thought I’ve seen every way a person could be killed in the last two movies until I viewed this film. I absolutely won’t spoil any of these creative inventions because half the fun is seeing them first hand. One thing that sets this movie apart from its others is that the focus of the movie is not on the victims so much, but on Jigsaw and his relationship with Amanda. On one level, it’s disappointing because the characters in the “game” just aren’t as interesting as the others in the other movie. On the other, it’s great to finally get a look at the main character (Jigsaw) that, for the past two movies, has had a more “behind the curtain” role. You truly get to know him much better and even, at times, look at him in a new light. One aspect of the movie that really bugged me is that the “games” Jigsaw put the victims were extremely liner. For Jeff to escape, it almost feels like he has to move down a hallway. The revelations the characters have, in the past movies, have always been great for keeping viewers perplexed at how all the pieces will fall together. This movie seems to have a lack of that, making it more predictable until the very end.
As a “Saw” fan, I have to say that “Saw III” wasn’t the best in the series. As a matter of fact, it was probably the worst. That doesn’t mean that it was bad though. It’s different but, at the same time, compliments the other films well. I feel that any fan of the other two “Saw” movies will appreciate it. While the blood and ingenious contraptions are in full affect here, the movie seems to loose some of its puzzle and discovery elements that kept the whole “game” experience unpredictable. I think that if you’re hardcore into “Saw” movies, then going to see this one is a no-brainer. For everyone else, it’s up in the air. If you got eight bucks to burn and a strong stomach, then “Saw III” should be enough to fulfill your sick, twisted needs to see humans dying in the most insane ways possible. I give the movie 3 Bulldogs out of 5.


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